Tag Archives: 1600×900

Optimal resolution for a 14″ screen

Do you have a 14″ laptop? These days, they make full HD 14″ screens, but full HD ain’t optimal for a desktop environment: text is often too tiny. True, you can scale the text, but that can look terrible depending on the program whose text is being scaled. Took me a year (and a half), but I finally realized, I should just divide 1920 with 1080 (1920×1080 is full HD) and then divide lower resolutions Windows supports until I reach the same result …and I found it 😀 The resolution is 1600×900. Everything looks nice and smooth, the text – in normal font size – is readable and no need for scaling 😀

Just don’t forget to set the resolution back to 1920×1080 when you connect your computer with a telly 😉
